We Asked People with the Most Useless-Sounding University Degrees If They Regret Their Life Choices

most useless degrees in india

After all, all college degrees develop cognitive skills — you might as well pursue one with job prospects at the end of it. A degree in entrepreneurship may sound great for those looking to start a business someday. However the degree by itself is one of the most useless degrees. This is because students can get all the education they want, but without hands on business experience, their learning will hardly mean a thing. New data sets, such as tax records, are illuminating this dispersion like never before. They can track how much students taking specific courses, at specific institutions, earn in later life.

Which is easy degree in India?

English Literature. English Literature is very lucrative and among the easiest degrees to pass. It has good job prospects, and you can even do some courses online if you don't have the time for campus classes. If you love the English language then this degree will be perfect for you.

It can certainly be a great subject to study, but the chief problem is that the market has become oversaturated. This means that there are more graduates with computer science degrees than there are jobs available. Communications is a strangely vague degree, in that it is applicable to almost any form of media, visual arts or broadcasting. At the same time, though, it’s not focused enough to render you with specialized skills.

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The measure for utility, ideally, would be how much of a contribution you would have made as a student to human knowledge and civilization – not what job you managed to secure upon graduation. The problem is not college itself, it’s our preconceived mindset of relying on some of the most useless degrees to make or break our careers. Most of us will end up working in professions that have nothing to do with our degrees. Classical musicians, in particular, require theory-heavy tuition and practice. You may want to spend the money on equipment — or an alternative student experience — instead.

  • Because it tries teaching you everything and you learn nothing.
  • After all, you don’t want to be looking for ways to pay off debt on a degree that doesn’t pan out.
  • A few years ago some 80% of the jobs that ibm, a tech giant, advertised in America required a degree, says Kelli Jordan, one of its vice-presidents.
  • Let’s face it, the same designs and color trends are repeating every 10 years, and usually, there are not many job ads for fashion designers.

Enrollment figures have been dropping, and with fewer students attending subpar colleges, many are shutting down, including more than 500 in the past four years. Yes, everyone purports that you should study computer science in college or university. It has become the de facto degree for anyone unsure what to do with their lives after high school.

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Better educated adults may also find it easier to adopt new technologies that improve their quality of life. For example, 71 per cent of year-olds with tertiary attainment used online or video calls during the pandemic, allowing them to stay in touch with family and friends and avoid social isolation, the report stated. It found that 24 out of 30 countries implemented initiatives at the primary to upper secondary level to give students additional support in the 2021 to 2022 school year. Covid-19 caused havoc with education across the globe in 2020 with more than 1.5 billion students in 188 countries and economies essentially locked out of their schools.

Small private colleges with incompetent teachers, irregular classes, outdated curricula, and no opportunities for on-the-job training, are making the country’s workforce more unemployable, per Bloomberg. This list comes across as bitter and single-minded most useless degrees in india focuses on high-earning potential and looking for a traditional 9-5 stability right out of college. I hope this article doesn’t dissuade too many future students from following study paths that they feel genuinely interested in.

Most Useless Degrees In 2022

Some get jobs at art museums and, later on, as art appraisers, but this is one of the most challenging fields to break into. Most places that specialize in art want to see a lengthy resume with plenty of experience. A boom in graduate earnings began in the 1980s in the rich world. Back then the difference between the salaries of people who gain at least a bachelor’s degree and those who do not—commonly called the “college-wage premium”—began to soar.

I suspect under pressure from NASSCOM, (led by the charismatic Dewang Mehta [1]), B.Tech in CSE got doubled in number by creating a second department called I.T. In the 5 years following, engineering education itself got “liberalized” by allowing a large number of private for-profit colleges. She clearly wasn’t an idiot, and she certainly learned a lot of theory but couldn’t program her way out of a paper bag. But almost no US educational institute is for-profit, many run on endowments. The faculty in CSE even in teaching colleges have had post graduate education, often involving research.

Take the next step toward your future with online learning.

Creative writers really do have skills that people who want to publish stories and novels want to have. During their education, students in a creative writing major learn how to tell a story with colorful words and create poetry while also learning about the professional writing process. Because communications is such a broad field, the degree has no specific focus.

Which is toughest course in world?

It is believed that a Bachelor of Science in Nursing or BSN is the toughest course in the world as per the Guinness Book of World Records along with courses like MBBS, BCom, IAS, IPS and Engineering, etc.

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